One of the minor tragedies of regularly updating a web-log is that a great deal of material gets lost in the archives. For those interested and/or new to Opus Publicum, I thought I would collect here the “illiberal Catholic” posts that have appeared over the last six months. Enjoy.
- Illiberal Catholic Manifesto
- The Fortnight for Freedom Begins
- Corpus Christi and the Fortnight
- Fortnight for Freedom Day Three
- The Sacred Heart and the Fortnight
- Inaction
- Tomorrow Liberty?
- The Other Illiberal Catholicism
- A Note on Illiberal Catholicism
- Opus Publicum and Illiberal Catholicism
- A Reminder on Illiberal Catholicism
- Zmirak At It Again
- On Royal Government
The above list does not include my posts on economic topics and other elements of Catholic Social Teaching, though you can find all of them housed under the “Catholic Social Thought” category tag the bottom of the main page.