Happy Anniversary Syllabus Errorum

Earlier this year I took Fr. John Hunwicke’s lead by reminding you, dear readers, that here, in 2014, we should take time to commemorate the 150th anniversary of Blessed Pope Pius XI’s Quanta Cura and the Syllabus Errorum. You can find some of my thoughts on the matter in an earlier post, “The Fortnight and the Syllabus.” Rorate Caeli is also getting in on remembering this important moment in the life of the universal Church. Shouldn’t you, too?

Some say that today’s primary festivity, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, is the most misunderstood feast in the Catholic Church. Perhaps. I would like to think Quanta and the Syllabus are among her most misunderstood documents, for there are far too many who fail to comprehend their relevance to us today.
