Ressourcement and the New Theology

Sometimes I post links on here to distract from the fact that I am not updating Opus Publicum very often. At other times I post links because I sincerely believe, in my heart and mind, that they need to be read. This is one of those times.

Though I have never met the author of the excellent web-log Ursus Elisei, I have had to the privilege of corresponding with him through e-mail and social media. His latest post, “Letter to a Friend on Ressourcement and the New Theology,” expresses magnificiently what I hope will be a growing number of Catholics’ reservations concerning the intellectual inheritance left behind by the previous two generations of theologians. This post isn’t the mad screed of an aimless dissenter; it is the forceful indictment of a true reactionary whose incisiveness is trebled by his boldness.
