Given the ongoing clamor over the Charlie Hebdo tragedy and its aftermath, everything below addresses those topics.
- Pater Edmund Waldstein, “Charlie Hebdo and the Secularist Long Game,” Sancrucensis – Though I have it on good authority that there will be a future post comings which revises/clarifies some of the points in this one, it’s still well worth pondering over.
- “Charlie Hebdo and the Illiberal Catholic,” The Josias – I linked to this yesterday; I am linking to it again in case you missed it.
- Fr. John Hunwicke, “Killing” and “Update on Killing,” Mutual Enrichment – Is it a surprise to anyone that Fr. Hunwicke offers some of the best thoughts to date on the tragedy?
- Fr. Raymond Blake, “Je Suis Non Charlie,” Fr. Ray Blake’s Blog – Does the West really believe in “free speech”? Maybe not.